Where does Judy Lux ship to?

Judy Lux is currently shipping to:

  • Customers within the United States and U.S. territories
  • Including P.O. Boxes. 
  • All US Military bases, APO/FPO
  • Puerto Rico, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands.

Judy Lux does not currently ship to customers outside the United States at this time.

Shipping speed is one of our top priorities and therefore, we will only officially expand shipping to other regions besides the United States when we can guarantee the shipping time.

How much does shipping cost?

Judy Lux charges shipping by the total order weight.

0lb - 0.59lb = 3.99 $
0.6lb - 0.99lb = 5.99 $
1lb - 4.9lb = 9.99 $
5lb and above = 14.98 $


How long does the shipping take?

Judy Lux is a cross border company with warehouses in both the U.S. and overseas.

USA products: 2 - 5 business days*

Overseas products: 5 - 10 business days* 

Judy Lux does not currently ship to residents outside the US.

Please note- Orders that contain 15 or more overseas products (all have to be the same shipping timeframe) will be shipped directly to the customer, which can cut down shipping time by 2 - 3 business days.